Rob Price
Gutbrain Records
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2025 March 12 • Wednesday

A trained commando soldier is on a train with the woman he loves. Her father, a wealthy and powerful man, is also on the train and wants his daughter to marry someone else.

This is the young couple's chance to tell him that they love each other and want to marry each other. It's the real thing.

And then the train gets taken over by a small army of bandits who want to rob everyone on board, perhaps hold any important people for ransom. And their leader is a crazy psycho violent out of control guy.

So... it's basically Die Hard on a train. But this train is going to Delhi! This is happening in India!

Kill doesn't waste much time getting started. And for a while it's non-stop action. But then things take a turn and it becomes much more intense, much more violent. It's quite gory and it's one of those movies where you don't want to get too attached to any of the characters.

Also, there are basically no guns. There are a lot of knives. It's probably the stabbiest movie I've ever seen. And of course there's a lot of punching and kicking and grave bodily harm committed with a fire extinguisher.

Some of these people, especially the main hero and villain, take a lot more damage than is realistic. But this is supposed to be a fast-paced and unusualy violent action movie, basically a very disturbing and downbeat fairy tale.

I like this idea of putting an action movie on a train for the whole time. Snowpiercer did not deliver but Kill ditches all the baggage and gets right to the mayhem.

Obviously it's not going to be to everyone's taste but if you don't mind blood and gouging and slashing and all manner of such things on a train, then you should check it out.