Rob Price
Gutbrain Records
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2024 February 05 • Wednesday

Maybe it's because I grew up without a TV that I've always had a soft spot for novelizations as well as original novels based on television shows and movies. (You might be surprised to learn about the latter but there are original Dirty Harry and Man With No Name novels.)

There doesn't seem to be much in popular culture that hasn't attracted at least a cottage industry of attention and analysis. But is it possible that the novelization continues to be a neglected form?

That's an idea and I have no wish to prove or disprove it by any kind of internet search.

Instead, I'll just continue to read such books. Claire Donner's novelization of the movie Splice is one of the best I've ever read and, unlike many, would be excellent as an original work of its own, without the story's previous existence in another medium.

I actually know the author personally and am always enriched and educated by conversations with her. This has been going on for a long time.

But that doesn't mean that I put my thumb on the scale while reading this book. The identity of the author was not a critical factor. But the book is so good that after finishing it and remembering who wrote it I found myself thinking, "I can't believe I know her!"

The story is about two scientists, Clive and Elsa (Colin Clive played Dr. Frankenstein in Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein and Elsa Lanchester played both Mary Shelley and the title role in Bride of Frankenstein), whose genetic experiements lead them to create a new creature that combines human and non-human DNA.

If you've seen the movie then you know what happens. That is, you know the actions. And indeed it is a Frankensteinish tale.

What Claire Donner has done in this book is to give depth and nuance and history and context to the characters and what they do. She makes them emotionally and psychologically complex and realistic while also adding personal touches that make them as real as people you know in real life.

I mean, Clive is a Melvins fan! I can relate! And this fits him perfectly. And Elsa's childhood is a major factor in this story, brought powerfully to life in the book.

There's also considerable erudition and sophistication brought to bear, with scientific language flowing elegantly in both the characters' conversations and the authorial voice. You don't have to do the research because Donner has done it and conveys what you need to know adroitly and, often, amusingly.

To put it simply, this is an example of a great novelization and a great novel.

You could, you know, get a copy right here and find out for yourself.

If you've seen the movie and liked it, then I think you really have to read this book.

The first line is "In the beginning, there was nothing".