Rob Price
Gutbrain Records
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2024 November 08 Friday

Godzilla has a lot of other stories going on in comic books. I've ignored most of them. But they got me with a mini-series called Godzilla in Hell.

Godzilla actually does go to hell in this story but not much really happens.

Each issue is written and drawn by different people so there isn't much continuity. Even the location itself is very different from issue to issue.

Godzilla meets other monsters or more anomalous threats and defeats them. But it turns out, in classic after-schoool special fashion, that Godzilla's real enemy was himself. And having acheived a Buddhist level of self-control and self-knowledge, Godzilla really wins.

This is all fine but it wasn't particularly hellish. Of course Godzilla would present a challenge to, say, Virgil, but I was hoping for more demons, more circles, etc.