Rob Price
Gutbrain Records
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2023 November 17 • Friday

And it's going to be a David Collier week here at Gutbrain Headquarters with this other volume, new to our collection, of Collier's newspaper work: Collier's Popular Press: David Collier's 30 years on the Newsstand.

This is another great collection and a different one, since Collier usually works in longer forms, if not whole books then at least whole pages that are themselves part of a larger sequence.

It was fascinating to discover that Collier could also turn out a daily, single-panel strip, often autobiographical but also journalistic on occasion.

They range from slice-of-life observations to local politics and development. Winter is a subject much discussed.

There's also a section of lovely drawings he did, not really comics but beautiful sketches of landscapes and things of that nature.

Collier has quite an impressive body of work and is overdue for critical study and appreciation!