Rob Price
Gutbrain Records
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2023 November 01 • Wednesday

Freddie Wadling was a brilliant musician and artist who passed away several years ago. He had struggles but he had at least one great stroke of luck: he had Lars Sundestrand, also a great artist, as a close friend.

I never met Freddie, but Lars is my close friend too, really more like family, and Freddie and I have at least that in common.

I have always told everyone that Lars is a great artist also—even though he probably wouldn't want me to say that.

But you can see for yourself, as Lars has put together a book of Freddie's art, and it is absolutely amazing.

Freddie Wadling's art speaks for itsel and has a wide range, from collage to comic strip, fine-art painting to punk provocation.

Please excuse these crude photos of the book…

"The devil came from canvas": not just a joke for Freddie, I think.

"Surrounded by a street inferno / I'm following the heart beat of the beast".

The art speaks for itself but you will have to look at the book to appreciate the work Lars did to put it together. In addition to photographs of Freddie he has taken over the decades, there are several texts about Freddie, from Lars, of course, but also from Robert Hurula and others for whom Wadling was inspiring.

We'll start Thanksgiving early this year, with gratitude for our best friends.