Gutbrain Records

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Yesterday was Ennio Morricone's 80th birthday and last Monday, November 3rd, was John Barry's 75th. I didn't realize it, otherwise the thirty-third Soundtrack of the Week would have been something by Barry.

In other news, I was very pleasantly surprised by Bat-Manga, a collection of Japanese Batman comics from the '60s.

It reminds me more of Kriminal or Diabolik than it does of Batman or other Japanese comics I've seen.

When I flipped open to the following page, I knew I had to buy the book. Batman and Robin are chasing a criminal who can assume any form. His Japanese name translates as Human Clay (or perhaps Clay-Man), but he's called Clay Face in this translation.

"Drat. He's a pterodactyl again." Now that is great writing.